Bringing in Prosperity with food.

10, 9, 8 ....1 What will you be making.

Every year I  have dreaded this time of year, not because I have to make my resolution list for the upcoming year, but because my mom always made black eyes peas. I have such a disdain for it that every year since I left home I refused to stock my pantry with "yucky" peas. 

Guess what happened, I fell in love with this wonderful gentleman and he loved black eye peas, and he loved ringing in the year with a tradition of eating "stinky" black eye peas. Only if you can see the disgust on my face as I even think about this endeavor of cooking black eye peas.

So it got me thinking, maybe we should start a new food tradition for ringing in the new year. Personally, I have eaten the black eye peas with disdain, I don't think it has brought me any prosperity in all the years I have eaten it. So I started googling foods to bring prosperity.

And the first on the list, was the wonderful pork, but the man doesn't eat it and the kid is weirdly allergic to it.  So that is off the list. The next was lentils and a huge smile danced upon my face, but guess who doesn't like lentils, the man. This is going to require me to very creative this old years eve.

So my research lead me to pomegranates, grapes, greens, corn bread and oranges. What will you be making this old years eve to ensure your prosperity for 2018?

