Taking over the world

No, no no I have not taken the world over yet. However I am currently reading the book by a New York Times Bestseller Ryan North, How To Take Over The World.

I was minding my business, no wasting time when I could have been working on schemes of how to take over the world when one of the ladies I follow on TikTok mentioned some of her favorite books. Obviously this one caught my attention. Not sure if I have super villain tendencies or because I secretly wished for Brain to at least get one chance to take over the world from the show Pinky and the Brain. But I closed the app and opened audible and used one of my accumulated credits to purchase this book.

If you are really looking for concrete ways in taking over the world, well just read the book. If you also love interesting facts about other people’s failed attempts to take over the world then this is the book for you.

If I do happen to some how inadvertently take over the world, you can’t say I didn’t warn you.