I’m considering doing this diet again.

I’m considering doing this diet again. Yes, yes, I know, I shouldn’t call it a diet I should call it a lifestyle change. Anyway, it’s a diet. I tried it before and it was working, but what was working harder, was my lack of will power.

Two weeks on it and I lost 10 lbs. and I know it will sound strange, but the colors around me seemed more vibrant and I was noticing things in the world that I never really paid attention to because I guess my mind was in a fog. My thoughts were clear and I could focus. Could you imagine the mind fog went away!

I was walking down the aisle a couple of days ago in Trader’s Joe, and all the vegetables seemed to look so delicious and I was craving them. I’ll admit it, the last month or so my food consumption has been horrendous, maybe too harsh of a word, I should be easier on myself. Maybe my food choices lacked proper nutrients, and I know better, I really do. So here is the excuse I’m going with, we got a new puppy and he has separation anxiety and it is harder than having a baby. Oh my, I threw up in mouth, because I hate excuses and here I was telling myself an excuse.

Transformative is the name of the game we are playing this year, and to be a better mother, a better significant other, a better sister and daughter I need to change me. Physical change tends to trigger changes in other aspects of your life. The one rule to the game of change is, forget changing everyone and everything, change yourself and everything and everyone will change.

The last time I did this diet, I let my insecure, comfortable voice in my head be in charge. Although the little voice wanted change, it or me was not willing to step out from being comfortable. Nothing changes or transforms if there is no process of hard work and going though being vulnerable, uncomfortable and unsure. However, being comfortable, lends itself to stagnation and no growth and this year “ain’t nobody got time for that”.

This diet required me to do a process of elimination, I had to only eliminate 7 foods, easy, right? Not even, when you realize that these seven foods are in everything, the task seemed daunting.  I figured I have already eliminated two things because I live in a house with food allergy sufferers including myself. I was winning, not quiet.

I had to cut out eggs, which I already don’t eat, and peanuts because my son is severely allergic. The rest of the list is as follows; gluten, dairy, sugar, soy and corn. Oh child! These 7 foods are in everything. Don’t believe me, go flip over a few things in your pantry, read the label and you will see what I’m talking about. These seven foods are among the foods that most people have either an allergy to or have a slight intolerance to. These foods especially corn and peanuts are heavily on the GMO side.

Before I embarked on that food journey the first time, I read the book The Virgin Diet by J.J Virgin and read how these foods were affect me and millions of other people. To be honest I was searching for a way to provide a better lifestyle for my son and boyfriend, since they seem to be allergic or not tolerant to everything, and eating common foods kept them in a vicious cycle of being sick, feeling sick after eating, and horrible skin due to eczema. I also was gaining weight, and my acne was getting out of control, since I was the one shopping and cooking the food, I had to be the one to change it.

Trying to switch over everyone’s palate including mine was the most difficult hurdle, the second was stepping out of the regular supermarket and making purchases of organic items, that were more expensive than the regular items. The third hurdle was always cooking meals to make sure no one went hungry, and that required an investment in time. I guess if I was a stay at home mom I could have handled it better (let’s just leave that alone, because I have too many thoughts on that).

I bought the cookbook and I put it on the shelf, last night however I took it down and flipped though it and started making a grocery list alternate to the one I have. I’m not starting this week because I don’t want to throw away the food I already have. The silver lining is, I have a plan to be transformative, and now I know where all the pitfalls are from trying it before so this time I will be successful.

This is not an ad or a sponsored post, this is simply my experience that I’m sharing.