
Many of us have returned to work after being inside for three months during this pandemic. We have mixed feelings, we are dealing with new normals and some of us, may have anxiety through the roof.

If you are like me, you have been asking yourself a ton of questions about about your life, about your family’s lives, about your whole existence and what it’s all worth.

It might be time to refocus. The year 2020 was about vision and focusing on our lives and this year was supposed to be different. This year was supposed to be better, well the year is not over.

Yes, we made vision boards, and wrote all the events and reminders in our planners and most of our plans went to s#!t. 

I know I can bet you, that durning this break from the hamster wheel, you got visions, I got visions. I got to see what is really important; family, health, home and work. I got to see the systems that were working and the systems that have been failing, but I were to busy to fix it. 

This whole time off felt like someone threw a monkey 🐒🔧  wrench at me and it jacked everything up. I am going to take that monkey wrench and really fix everything that is broken, because now I can see clearly what is the most important.

It helped me by breaking out the planner, stapling the beginning of the year off, I had no need to go back to look at the things I didn’t get to do. I’m giving you permission to go to the craft store and get new poster board and reimagine your vision board. Design the hell out of it, however a smart designer knows you need to be flexible, sometimes things don’t always work together. Look for something new, or maybe something old, just use it in a new way. 

Use this new vision board to design your life in the pursuit of your happiness. 

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